Service Termination Policy

Service Termination Policy

Last updated: July 18, 2022

Thank you for shopping at Sharpido.

If there is an outstanding invoice or amount for more than 3 days of your service Due Date at Sharpido, then your service will automaticlly suspended by our system. Within this period of suspension you will not be able to use your service, your website or web app will show a message of Account suspension. You will not get your Backup of your files or database if you are suspended for any reasone.

After 5 days of your Service Due Date, An additional charge of 10% will be charged as a Late Fees.

If you fail to pay invoce after 45 days of your Service Due date, you will be seem as an inactive client and your Service will be terminated. This will erase your all the data and cpanel. Your website will stop working and you will not get backup of your data from our side.